📄️ About Notabyte
Notabyte is a bot that is connected to the community chat servers for Yurika Corporation. The bot has several functions that are restricted to some social media applications (i.e. Discord). The bot can be used in private message or added to your chat.
📄️ Bot Moderation
Sometimes a message is sent to the bot that's not appropriate. The reasons for this are large and complex, much outside of our developer's controls. When you submit a request to the bot, it will leverage several moderation APIs to ensure that your request is appriorate before sending it to the OpenAI API. Based on the command, there are different reasons your request will be rejected.
🗃️ Appendix
2 items
📄️ answer
!answer prompt text
📄️ buy
📄️ img
📄️ prompt
!prompt prompt text
📄️ remix
!remix in response to an image.
📄️ snaks
The snaks command allows you to see how many snaks you currently have. You can buy more snaks using the !buy command.
📄️ ToS
The terms are governed first and foremost by: Yurika Corporation Terms of Service